Program Details
This course is available to watch on-demand. There is no CME associated with this program.
Directed Therapies for Thyroid Nodules Satellite Course
This optional satellite course will use live cases, panel discussions, and expert talks to highlight how directed therapies are revolutionizing the treatment of thyroid nodules.
Included in this webinar:
Sessions from Friday, February 19, 2021
Ultrasound Considerations for Directed Therapies
ETOH ablation of Thyroid Nodules and Cysts: Pearls and Pitfalls
LASER ablation for Thyroid Nodules
What is RFA and How Does it Work?
Selecting the Right Patients for Directed Therapy
Optimizing Outcomes, Equipment and Setup of RFA
The Korean RFA Experience: Lessons Learned
RFA Technique for Benign Nodules: Live Cases Hydrodissection and Moving Shot Techniques
Toxic Thyroid Nodules: RFA, Surgery or RAI
Future Directions: Parathyroid, PMC and Lymph Nodes